About the Journal

The Journal of Academic Research (JAR) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Samar State University (SSU). JAR will cater to researches written by educators and students alike, especially those but not limited to the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines and other parts of the world. JAR articles are subjected to peer-review by at least two content reviewers.

The journal's purpose is to serve as a platform where researches in academia both by educators and students are shared for the purpose of enhancing theoretical and empirical researches across all disciplines. JAR encourages the submission of out-of the box articles or novel papers and helpful in improving various fields of practice. Theory-based and empirical researches, literature reviews, case studies, feasibility studies, and the likes are all welcomed.

Management Office

The Office of Planning Research and Extension will serve as the secretariat of JAR. The Vice President of Planning Research and Extension will be the head of the secretariat. The secretariat will include but not limited to Director of Publication, Director for Research, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and two other researchers from the university.  It shall also need at least one clerk.

Peer Review Process

There will be two-tiers of review. The first tier is a review of submitted papers by internal evaluators. Authors of papers will be guided until the quality of the paper has improved before it is sent to external experts’ evaluators for content review. The external experts' review is the second tier review.

A blind review process is followed. Each manuscript submitted to the JAR will be reviewed by at least two referees. Referees will be selected by the editor based on qualifications and the ability to provide a timely review. Appendix A shows the process flow of the peer-review process.

Publication Frequency

JAR will be published simultaneously four issues in a year. Articles accepted for publication are immediately published in one of the four issues; (1) Culture and Social Issues, (2) Industry, Engineering, Science and Technology, (3) Education and Management, (4) Agriculture, Fisheries, and Environment.

Open Access Policy

Access to the online form of the JAR is open to all. This is in accordance to the principle that making research publication free and readily accessible through the internet supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such a scheme is associated with increased and wider readership and increased citation of an author's work.

Printed Form

While the online format of the articles is accessible for free, the printed form of the JAR will be for a fee attributed to printing costs. The printed format will cost PhP 1,000.00 which will include all articles from all issues in one publication. Courier fees shall also be asked from the requisitioner.