About the Journal

Management Office

The Office of Research and Extension of Samar State University serves as the secretariat of CDRJ. The Vice President of Research and Extension serve as the head of the secretariat. The secretariat includes but not limited to the Director of Publication, the Director for Research, and two other researchers from the university.

Peer Review Process

A double-blind review process is followed. Each manuscript submitted to the CDRJ is reviewed by at least two referees. Referees are selected by the editor based on qualifications and the ability to provide a timely review.

Publication Frequency

The CDRJ is published on an annual basis. Special publications within a year may be produced if there will be sufficient materials and contributors. There shall be an online publication as well as a printed form for a fee. Fees collected will cover the cost of printing, binding, and freight.  

CDRJ Copyright Ownership

To protect the interest of CDRJ, its authors and their employers/funders shall own the copyrights of all copyrightable material, including the individual contributions contained therein to facilitate the appropriate re-use of the said material by others.

 To enable the publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, authors must sign copyright form with their manuscripts submitted to the Journal secretariat.

All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a copyright form signed by all authors that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, has not previously been published elsewhere, and its content has not been anticipated by any previous publication.


Original articles, reviews, and commentaries are welcome to the CDRJ. More specifically, papers focusing on these are welcome:

  • engineering, science and technology-driven community and regional development
  • science-based development project implementation
  • technology impact assessment/evaluation
  • socio-economic condition (health, well-being, quality of life)
  • Sustainability as the impact of implemented science-based solutions.
  • gender issues involved in scientific inquiries and development
  • education, socio-cultural studies related to countryside development
  • technology development in support of micro, small and medium enterprises
  • engineering and technology solutions to problems in the countryside

The review process
Papers sent on to peer - reviewers will be assigned to one of CDRJ Editors with expertise in the relevant field. Papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. The paper will be sent to a statistical reviewer if necessary. Once papers have been reviewed, the reviewers’ comments are sent to the Editor, who will then make a preliminary decision on the paper. At this stage, based on the feedback from reviewers, manuscripts can be accepted, rejected, or revisions can be recommended.

Authors can typically expect a first decision within 1-2 weeks of submission, depending on reviewer availability. We ask that authors refrain from contacting the Editorial Office to enquire about the status of their papers within this time.

Most papers need to be returned to authors for them to attend to specific issues raised by the reviewers. This is standard practice to ensure the quality of material published in CDRJ. If revisions are recommended, authors are notified by email and will be sent as much feedback as possible from reviewers and the Editor. The authors will then be asked to submit a revised paper within three months of the decision, but we do encourage authors to revise and return their paper without unnecessary delay. Papers that have extensive revisions recommended will be sent out for further review (usually by the same reviewers) on their resubmission.

Criteria for Acceptance

In accepting work for publication, the editors and reviewers give special weight to readability and interest value for a wide readership. All papers are reviewed by at least two expert referees as well as an editor. The editors’ decision is final.

Criteria for Withdrawal

CDRJ management respects the reviewers’ time. So, authors are advised to decide on withdrawal within five days of submission for any reason. CDRJ management will mark as rejected paper if you withdraw after five days because the review process begins within five days.

Submission of revised manuscript

When revising your manuscript, taking into account the reviewers’ and Editor’s feedback, please highlight all changed text using a red font. Please do not use tracked changes as they can make manuscripts difficult to follow.

Electronic Submission

For you to be able to submit a paper for publication, you are required to register as an author. Follow the instructions in the submission process.

Time Table of Review Process 

Any communication sent to the authors shall be responded within five days; the otherwise submitted manuscript will be moved to reject publication status due to no communication from the author. The editors’ decision is final. All papers shall be submitted in Journal format as Microsoft Windows Word document. A PDF format will not be accepted.

 The length of the review process depends on the reviewers. The shortest review process for an almost perfect journal paper is one month. Other papers may reach one year, but in no case will it be more than one year and a half.


For other concerns, you are encouraged to mail the journal managers through cdrj@ssu.edu.ph. The email can also be used for paper submissions.